Agroecology in FAO

Biological control (parasitoids) of pollen beetle on oilseed rape in Estonia
Eve Veromann

Biological control of fruit fly on olive in Italy
Malayka Picchi

Biological control of pear pests in the Netherlands
Herman Helsen

Can sentinel systems be used to measure ecosystem services?
Niamh McHugh

Carbon storage in arable landscapes in the United Kingdom
John Holland

Decrease of vineyard pest abundances influenced by landscape diversity and semi-natural habitats
Brice Giffard

Ecosystem services in field crops: Methods to measure predation
Philippe Jeanneret

European-scale models for pest control and pollination
Carlo Rega

Farmers’ perception of ecosystem services
Camilla Moonen

FAO partnerships with academia and research institutions
Kakoli Ghosh

Introduction to QuESSA
John Holland

Landscape aesthetics as another important ecosystem service
Beatrice Shupbach

Mapping pollination
David Wallis

Measurement of Ecological Services
Gionata Bocchi

Modelling synergies and trade-offs among ecological services
Seleshi Yalew

Natural pest control in arable crops relates to semi-natural habitats in European landscapes
Marjolein Lof

Multifunctionality of semi-natural habitats
Willemien Geertsema

Pollination and biological control of aphids in pumpkin in Germany
Sonja Pfister

Pollination and biological control of pollen beetle on oilseed rape in Switzerland
Louis Sutter

Recommendations for farmers, advisors and trainers
Caroline Gibert

Recommendations for policy makers
Simon Attwood

Synergistic interactions of pollination and pest control services
Matthais Albrecht

What are ecosystem services?
Lukas Visek

Regional Symposium on Agroecology for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in Europe and Central Asia
Maryam Rahmanian

Sustainable landscape management approach to agriculture
Thomas Hofer